
Camping Pila - Price list 2024.



€uro / day

19.04. - 29.04.

21.09. - 30.09.

30.04. - 16.05. 

07.09. - 20.09.

17.05. - 14.06. 

31.08. - 06.09. 

15.06. - 05.07.

17.08. - 30.08.

06.07. – 16.08.


5,40 €

6,80 €

8,70 €

10,80 € 

11,20 €

Children 0 - 6,99 years

0,00 €

0,00 €

0,00 €

0,00 €

0,00 €

Children 7 – 11,99 years

2,50 € 

3,60 €

5,40 €

6,60 €

6,80 €


17,30 €

22,10 €

26,80 €

31,80 €

33,00 €


15,0 € 

18,50 €

22,50 €

25,00 € 

25,90 €

Pitch with electricity

13,40 € 

16,70 €

18,90 € 

22,80 €

23,70 €

Pitch without electricity

9,50 €

12,10 €

14,80 €

18,30 €

18,80 €

Tent extra

3,00 € 

4,20 € 

5,40 € 

6,60 €

6,90 €
Car extra

3,00 € 

4,20 €

5,40 € 

6,60 € 

6,90 €

Motorcycle extra

2,40 € 

3,60 €

4,80 €

6,00 €

6,30 €

Parking -boat trailer or car

8,50 € 

8,50 €

8,50 €

8,50 €

8,80 €


6,00 €

6,00 € 

6,50 €

6,50 €

6,50 €


Residance tax

01.01.-31.03. / 01.10.-31.12.


Person 18 >

1,33 € 

1,80 € 

Person 12 - 17,99

0,66 € 

0,90 € 

  • Currently available daily prices are subject to change.
  • The daily pitch price includes: one caravan/tent + car/motorcycle, or one camper/minivan.
  • All members of HAK, CCI, ADAC, ANWB, ACSI, association are entitled to a 10% discount of the price per person, for minimum stay 3 nights. In this case, guests may obtain only one of the mentioned discounts. Association membership card has to be shown at reception desk immediately upon arrival, otherwise discounts will not be taken into consideration.
  • The cost for empty tent or caravan that is staying in camp is € 60,00 per day. Summer lump sum for boat/trailer in parking place is € 400,00.